What Can You Do With Denizen?
Table of Contents
What Can An Advanced User Do With Denizen?
What can you do with Denizen... if you're dedicated? Anything you can set your mind to!
Here's a variety of high quality scripts publicly posted on the Denizen forum resources section
(Outdated) Here's a region manager that competes with WorldGuard, written as a Denizen script: Spigot - dRegions
(Outdated) Here's a script only about 20 lines long that makes it so a torch glows when held in your hand: Forums - Denizen Torch Light
(Outdated) In the past before I (mcmonkey) created Sentinel, I had written the same basic concept as a fully functional Denizen script: Old Repo Archive - dSentry
Or whatever other crazy thing you might imagine. Here's a chest GUI of a keypad to type on:
Not enough for you yet? Need something even more wild and out-there? Weeeelll... here's someone using a Denizen script to order pizza from within minecraft.
What Can A Normal User Do With Denizen?
What can you do with Denizen... if you're a more average user? Still quite a lot!
It's very common to write a variety of basic server utilities in a Denizen script, such as a daily auto-restart which amounts to just a few lines of script. In fact, here's exactly such a script:
type: world
debug: false
on system time 01:00:
- announce "<gold>Server restart in ten minutes!"
- wait 5m
- announce "<gold>Server restart in five minutes!"
- wait 2m
- announce "<gold>Server restart in three minutes!"
- wait 1m
- announce "<gold>Server restart in two minutes!"
- wait 1m
- announce "<gold>Server restart in one minute!"
- wait 30s
- announce "<gold>Server restart in thirty seconds!"
- wait 30s
- adjust server restart
It's that simple! Most of the space usage is simple copy/pasted messages.
Writing quests within Denizen is very popular as well (usually NPC-driven, refer to the What Can Denizen Do With Citizens? page for more info).
Custom item systems are pretty popular as well. You can write item scripts as simply as this example:
type: item
debug: false
material: diamond_sword
display name: <gold>Hero's Sword!
- Sword granted only to the greatest of heroes.
- sharpness:5
You can easily just - give hero_sword
at any time, and use simple world events to give special properties to your items.